change of plan

Change of plans…
We are going to put the jewelry vault on hold. The team has decided to go back and revisit the Peace River location. We believe this location fits the description that we were told of where the treasure should be. One source had given us a contract that was a treasure trove agreement between a general contractor and treasure hunter. The agreement said that if any treasure was found on that property during development that they would split it. Another source from the family that originally found it, stated that there was green dirt, and just under the dirt they found it. We have been up and down all of Peace River, and this has been the only location where we have seen it. The third source was from a remote viewer that gave us locations on a map of where there is buried treasure. So the question is how did the remote viewer know this was one of the locations? There happens to be a marked tree near by, which was seen in the episode on Expedition Unknown. So we know this location is of significance. We are going back to see if there is anything actual there. Stay tuned for upcoming episode!

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